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Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance offerings, including, but not limited to:

    • Cargo Insurance
    • Goods in Transit
    • Stock Throughput
    • Cargo Liabilities
    • Pleasure Craft
    • Hull
    • Advance loss of profits
    • SASRIA

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Marine Insurance

PrestMarine is a specialist Marine Insurance broker. We offer our clients extensive market knowledge along with the backing of a worldwide alliance of service providers. This commitment to excellence, coupled with a proven track record over the past three decades, have made us the preferred marine insurance service provider in South Africa.

Throughout the logistics chain; cargo is loaded, unloaded, transported and stored, exposing it to the risk of loss and damage.  Despite every effort taken to ensure cargo is secure and contracted to specialist service providers, there are often unforeseen events which are totally out of your control that could result in disastrous consequences.

Backed by South Africa’s leading insurance companies, as well as Lloyd’s, we have access to world-class products at a price that will suit your pocket.

Marine insurance provides cover against loss or damage to cargo during sea, air, road or rail transportation as well as General Average and salvage charges.

Cargo Liabilities, Errors and Omissions, Fines, Penalties and Delay In Start-Up cover are related policies to ensure tailor-made cover for your unique business model.

We cater for importers, exporters, distributors, transporters, logistic companies and the likes. PrestMarine boasts one of the most experienced marine underwriting and claims teams in the country and have won several awards in the industry. Our passion for marine insurance combined with our expertise, knowledge and exceptional service places us in a league of our own.

Whether you require cargo insurance, protection against liabilities or cover for your motor boat – PrestMarine can provide you with an intelligent, informed and original solution.

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