

Liability policies are based on negligence. Depending on the type of policy negligence does not need to be proven in a court of law. Insurers will rather apply the reasonable man test:
- Would a reasonable man in the position of the insured have foreseen harm?
- Would they have taken steps to guard against it?
- Did the insured take the steps?

If there is any form of injury or damage to either the people or property of an investor, Liability Insurance is the necessary means to protect these assets. This can consist of both legal costs or payouts which the insured party would be responsible for.

As a business owner, it is vital to have Liability Insurance as your business may be held liable for damages to someone else’s property or injuries to others. This type of Insurance is a way to protect your business from third party’s fault

If you own a successful business or have assets with an extremely high net-value, then it is of the utmost importance to invest these assets with Liability Insurance for full protection coverage.